Powders for Animals Our powdered supplements are formulated with your pet/animals well-being in mind. Each container contains a month's supply of powder and includes clear directions and dosages. We are able to package the products into larger containers, should you need more. Carnivores (e.g., cats, dogs): Mix with peanut butter. Herbivores (e.g., cows, sheep, horses,goats): Combine with their feed. Omnivores (e.g., pigs): Add to their diet.
AnnuPET An effective herbal remedy that may assist with any bacterial infections, parasites and foreign organisms. Including parvo-virus and biliary fever. ArthriReliefPET A pain relief remedy that may assist with joint inflammation associated with Arthritis. Pets need a lot more fat and oil in their diets than humans. We recommend x1 teaspoon to x2 tablespoons of coconut oil with their food, daily. Artu +PET Effective herbal remedy for assistance with cancer and extreme infections. The dosage is dependent on the size of the animal that it is given for. Liver assistance is necessary for the animal to process the medication appropriately. Calendula Ointment Assists with healing of wounds. Rub onto affected part as often as possible. Animal may ingest the supplement. There is no side-effect to them. CeraPET This supplement assists an animal to grow and reach optimal growth as soon as possible.Has a calming effect on animals that are over-excitable. And assists with focus when it comes to training of the animal. ColdFluPET An herbal remedy to assist brachycephalic dogs breathe and snore less. They may also be more prone to getting sinus infections and colds. This remedy assists to make breathing easier (and less snorting and snoring for the human owners!). DioiPET May assist with mineral supplementation, in all animals. LiverPET An herbal remedy to assist with restoration of liver function. After biliary/blood poisoning, the liver requires additional support to correct itself and get back to working optimally. LumbroPET This remedy is to ensure that any and all viruses are killed in the body. Certain cases of biliary are extremely virulent and the animal may suffer needlessly as the body attempts to eliminate the virus. This supplement will assist greatly with it. NEM-PET An effective remedy to assist with Spondylosis in animals, Arthritis in animals, and general weakening of bones and joints in animals. Probiotic Natural pro-biotic to restore natural micro-flora in intestines. Occasionally an animal's digestive system may be disrupted by what it ate. Any infection that affects the liver will affect the digestive system. The probiotic ensures that the balance is restored. This has been known to increase milk production in dairy cows. It assists in keeping ticks, fleas and flies under control. RenaPET May assist with kidney function in older pets. Sily Marum Crushed seeds of Milk Thistle to assist with liver assistance after biliary and liver complaints. Skin Ointment May assist with severe mange or allergic reactions SleepyPET May assist with relaxation and sleep. Good for animals that are stressed out by thunderstorms and loud noises. StressedPET May assist with animals stressed out by loud noises and separation anxiety.