Capsules in Stock Acne Clear- An herbal remedy that may assist in the clearing of pimples and acne. (Product Code: 1002) (Price: R230.00) Annucap- An effective herbal remedy to assist with flu, malaria, bilharzia, TB, viral and bacterial infections, parasites and foreign organisms. May be used with Cold&Flu and BronchiClear. (Product Code: 1003) (Price: R230.00) Annukids- An effective herbal remedy in powder form for children that struggle to swallow capsules, to assist for flu, malaria, bilharzia, TB and other viral and bacterial infections. It may be effective against all parasites and foreign organisms. May be used with Cold&Flu and BronchiClear. Please mix the powder with honey when giving to children. (Product Code: 1004) (Price: R230.00) Arthritis Relief- Effective remedy to assist with pain in joints from arthritis. When used with NEM and JointEase, there may be quicker relief. (Product Code: 1008) (Price: R230.00) Artum Plus - Effective herbal remedy for assistance with cancer where side effects of chemotherapy and radiation are unpleasant. Assists with the effects of chemo and radiation therapy. (Product Code: 1010) (Price: R350.00) Bella Balm - Remedy to assist with stomach ulcers, bloating and cramps. Only ten capsules are provided. Extreme thirst is side-effect, please take note! (Product Code: 1011) (Price: R70.00) Bronchi Clear- Assists in clearing phlegm from airways. May provide relief from emphysema. (Product Code: 1012) (Price: R230.00) Ceraflow - Effective herbal remedy that may assist with increasing cerebral blood flow. May assist with memory, strokes, dementia, Meniére’s Syndrome, tinnitus, glaucoma, neuropathy and chilblains. (Product Code: 1015) (Price: R110.00) Cold & Flu Caps - An herbal remedy to assist with the relief of cold and flu symptoms. May assist to dry up a runny nose. (Product Code: 1017) (Price: R110.00) Combikids - Assists with concentration and relief from anxiety. Useful in children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD. The correct diet needs to be followed – fish, Vitamin E supplements and cutting down on sugar products. StressEase may assist to relive anxiety and assist to keep child calm. (Product Code: 1019) (Price: R110.00) Comblocol - Assists with improvement of short term memory & concentration. Assists with “brain fog”. (Product Code: 1020) (Price: R110.00) Cynara - Effective remedy that may assist in lowering cholesterol, stimulates liver function. There may be an effect of lowering blood glucose in diabetics. Please adjust the chronic medication, accordingly. (Product Code: 1022) (Price: R230.00) Detox - Effective remedy to assist with cleansing the blood, stimulating liver function, kidney function and lymphatic glands. (Product Code: 1023) (Price: R110.00) Dioneral - May assist with mineral supplementation where deficiencies are suspected. Suitable for teenagers, adults and geriatric patients. Safe for use during pregnancy. Assists with clearing up acne if used together with Acne Clear. (Product Code: 1024) (Price: R230.00) Eczema Relief - Remedy to assist in clearing eczema from the inside, by stimulating the liver. Must be used with Cynara to ensure effectiveness. (Product Code: 1026) (Price: R230.00) Endocryne Restorer - Effective remedy to assist with stimulating the endocrine system where its efficiency is in doubt. May assist with symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause in females. (Product Code: 1027) (Price: R230.00) Glucassist - This remedy may assist with blood sugar control and maintenance in Type 2 diabetics. In Type 1 diabetics it may facilitate sensitivity to hypoglycaemia – may notice it sooner before it becomes an emergency. (Product Code: 1028) (Price: R230.00) Heart-Ease - May assist with shortness of breath and weakness of heart. May assist in strengthening the heart muscle and increasing blood flow by regulating blood pressure. The recommendation is that it is taken for three weeks, daily. One week of not taking it and the dosage assumes again. (Product Code: 1030) (Price: R230.00) Immunopro - An herbal remedy that may assist in boosting immune system and in regulating blood sugar. Type 2 diabetics may need to adjust their medication. Type 1 diabetics need to ensure that hypoglycaemia doesn’t occur and adjust the medication accordingly. (Product Code: 1031) (Price: R230.00) InflamEase - May assist with inflammation in joints (ligaments, tendons, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout), bones (including broken bones) and general muscle/joint pain. It may lower blood pressure. It may affect blood sugar. (Product Code: 1032) (Price: R230.00) JointEase - Effective herbal and mineral supplement for the relief of sore and swollen joints caused by arthritis. This remedy may need to be taken for a few months for the effect to be ensured in the body. (Product Code: 1034) (Price: R230.00) Liver Ease - An herbal remedy to assist with restoration of liver function. Assists with hepatitis (jaundice), sinusitis, bloating, poor digestion and skin disorders. It may assist with allergic reactions but does not replace the Epi-Pen. (Product Code: 1035) (Price: R230.00) LumbroPhyte - A remedy that may assist with Deep Vein Thrombosis, Lyme’s Disease, Rickettsia and persistent bacterial/viral infections. This supplement may assist with angina, myocardial ischemia, cerebral ischemia and diabetic nephropathy. Please keep a close eye on blood pressure if you suffer from high blood pressure as this supplement may lower blood pressure. (Product Code: 1038) (Price: R400.00) NEM - An effective remedy to assist with pain relief of osteoporosis and arthritis. Assists with mobility and strengthening of bones. Together with InflamEase it may assist to heal broken bones. (Product Code: 1039) (Price: R230.00) Prostate Ease - For enlarged prostrate and improvement of urine flow. Please remember that you need to move around to ensure that the urine flow is not restricted. (Product Code: 1045) (Price: R230.00) Renalin - Assists to stimulate renal function. (Product Code: 1046) (Price: R230.00) Sleep Ease - Effective in assisting with relaxation and sleep. Assists with insomnia. Non-Addictive. (Product Code: 1053) (Price: R230.00) Somni-Vite - May assist with stress relief, hormone imbalance, libido enhancing, memory support and may increase energy. Assists with mood imbalances and thyroid support. When used with Immunpro and Vitamin C, there may be significant increase in energy during the day. (Product Code: 1056) (Price: R230.00) Stress Ease - May assist with stress and anxiety relief. May assist in prevention of “restless legs” and may assist with ADD/ADHD in children. The recommendation is to NOT take more than six capsules a day as it may lead to drowsiness when driving. Non-Addictive. (Product Code: 1057) (Price: R230.00) Tarraxamin - An effective herbal remedy that may assist in lowering blood pressure, prevent cramps and reduce swollen limbs due to water retention. (Product Code: 1060) (Price: R230.00) Triburone - An effective herbal remedy that may assist for lack of energy, physical and mental exhaustion. If taken for body-building, please be aware that because it increase testosterone, it may lead to excessive aggression. For excessive aggression, pump heavier weights for longer to burn up the testosterone. (Product Code: 1062) (Price: R230.00)
Capsules (On Order Only) Artero-Clear- Effective herbal remedy for assistance with arteriosclerosis. It may assist with ocular occlusion. Care must be taken if taking high blood pressure medications. (Product Code: 1006) (Price: R230.00) Symphycaps- May provide relief for sore muscles and joints caused by injuries, arthritis and gout. Care must be taken if taking high blood pressure medications. (Product Code: 1059) (Price: R230.00) Varicvein Relief- An herbal remedy to assist in the pain relief of varicose veins. Care must be taken if taking high blood pressure medications. If you wake up with tingling in the fingers or toes, please stop taking the supplement as it is causing too low blood pressure. (Product Code: 1064) (Price: R230.00)
Powders (In stock) AbscessSolve 1&2- An effective herbal remedy that may assist with dental abscesses and chronic mouth ulcers due to dental issues. Combined with Clove oil, pain is lessened within 15 minutes to half an hour. However, a visit to the dentist may be necessary to ensure there aren’t further issues.(Product Code: 1001) (Price: R230.00) Probiotic- Natural pro-biotic to restore natural micro-flora in intestines. Effective for Crohn’s disease, IBS, spastic colon and bloatedness caused by poor digestion. It is in a raw form as it digests the tablets/capsules very quickly. It can be taken with whatever liquid you choose and even mixed in with yoghurt. It looks and smells like “wet soil”. (Product Code: 1041) (Price: R95.00)
Powders (On Order Only) Jimson Weed (on order only, not in stock)- In cigarette form, assistance for asthmatic conditions. May provide relief for no further asthma medications. Alleviates extreme chest “tightness”. (Product Code: 1033) (Price: R65.00) Sily Marum- Crushed seeds of Milk Thistle to assist with liver complaints, hepatitis and sinusitis. Assists to relieve bloatedness caused by poor liver function. It may assist with hangover cure. If taken before indulging, it may prevent a hangover. (Product Code: 1050) (Price: R95.00) Ulcerite Powder- Effective in the treatment for mouth ulcers, gum ulcers and cold sores, inside and outside mouth. For application on ulcer/cold sore outside mouth, mix with Vaseline and apply. (Product Code: 1063) (Price: R100.00)
Ointments (On Order Only) please note that all the ointments are in an aqueous base. Calendula Ointment- Healing of wounds, cuts, nappy rash and sunburn. Assists in cooling down burn wounds and preventing blisters. (Product Code: 1014) (Price: R150.00) Comfrey Ointment- For sprains, bruises and pain relief of rheumatism. (Product Code: 1021) (Price: R150.00) Haemorr-Ease Ointment- For painful haemorrhoids. May provide relief within an hour. (Product Code: 1029) (Price: R150.00) Rheuma Cream- May assist with pain relief in joints with Rheumatoid-Arthritis. (Product Code: 1048) (Price: R150.00)< Skin Ointment- An anti-histamine for insect bites, skin blemishes and sunburn. (Product Code: 1051) (Price: R150.00)< Solan Ointment- For chronic eczema, psoriasis. (Product Code: 1055) (Price: R150.00)< TineaPedi Cream- A cream to assist with chronic Athlete’s Foot. (Product Code: 1061) (Price: R150.00)<